Weather Info for Early Outreach Staff

WSU Tri-Cities Closure Info Line: 372-7000

WSU Tri-Cities Weather page:

WSU Tri-Cities Alert page:

Hanford Advisory page:

PNNL Alert page:

Energy Northwest Emergency Information:

Benton County Emergency Services Alerts page:

Pasco School District (for closure info):

Check to see if you are receiving campus notifications. You can do this through “MyWSU” or visit

(Early Outreach Staff at Admin office should use Pasco SD/Hanford Site weather status to help guide decisions about weather delays/releases/closures. Early Outreach Staff located in School District buildings should follow their local building decisions about building closures and delays. WSU staff remain under the WSU policies on the use of leave to make up time missed due to inclement weather or closure. NOTE: 2-hour delay for WSU Tri-Cities means 10am start time.)

Early Outreach Richland is on normal operations.

WSU policy on weather related work closures:

Employees are expected to make their own decisions regarding their personal health or safety in commuting to work. Outside of suspended operations or a campus closure, if an employee is unable to report to work due to inclement weather, employees are expected to notify their supervisor as soon as possible.

Additional information may be reviewed within BPPM 60.40 and 60.59.

Civil service employees are also governed under WAC 357-31-255, 260 and 265.

On-Campus Emergency Help Line

To get help, or report an emergency on campus at WSU Tri-Cities, dial 27234 from any phone. To dial 911 on campus, you do not need to dial an extra 9 first.


1. Do I need to report my leave if I am unable to get to my worksite due to inclement weather?

Yes, please refer to your appropriate employment type below. Employees are NOT authorized to work from home.

Civil Service

Employees may use the following types of leave:

    • Accrued compensatory time

    • Personal holiday (full day only)

    • Accrued annual leave (after completion of six months of continuous state employment)

    • Sick leave (after all other leaves are exhausted, up to 3 days maximum in a calendar year)

    • Leave without pay

Administrative Professional

Employees may use the following types of leave:

    • Accrued compensatory time

    • Accrued annual leave (annual leave may not be taken before it is earned)

    • Personal Holiday (full day only)

    • Sick leave (after all other leaves are exhausted, up to 3 days maximum in a calendar year)

    • Leave without pay